
A child’s vision from birth to age 2

A child’s vision from birth to age 2

Babies are not born with all the visual abilities they need in life; their vision develops over time. By age 2, Your Child should have developed eye-hand coordination, depth perception, the ability to interpret visual images, and the ability to focus on near and far objects.

Your Child’s milestones of vision
While every child is different, with each one reaching the milestones at different ages, the following are some age-related guidelines that can give you an idea of what to expect in Your Child’s eyesight development and other vision-related functions:

Within the first few days after birth Your Child’s vision is still weak:

1 month
By the end of the 1 month, Your Child may be able to do the following:

2 to 3 months
After 2 to 3 months, Your Child may be able to do the following:

4 to 5 months
When Your Child is about 4 to 5 months old, your baby will be able to do these:

5 to 7 months
At this age, expect the following:

7 to 11 months
By this time, Your Child can:

12 to 14 months
At this age, it is expected that Your Child can do these:

18 to 24 months
By this time, Your Child has not only developed good visual abilities but also acquired great cognitive and fine motor skills. Your little one should be able to do these:

Signs of vision problems
Vision problems are quite rare in infants and young children. Most babies are born with healthy eyes and develop all the visual abilities they will need throughout life without any difficulty. 

However, a few do have some congenital eye problems or develop one after birth. As a parent or caregiver, look out for the following signs of eye and vision problems:

When you notice any of these signs, you need to see your pediatrician, who may refer you to a pediatric ophthalmologist.

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