
How to Breast Massage

How to Breast Massage

Proper breast massages can help moms with breastfeeding problems, especially if you don’t have enough milk for the little one.

Mali has interviewed Rattanawadee Yingsamer, a therapist who specializes in breast massages for new moms. Here are the questions and answers.

What do new breastfeeding moms worry about?
Many new moms worry that their bodies won’t be able to produce enough milk for the baby. Usually, in the early stage when your body is still adjusting to the new task, you won’t be able to produce as much milk as you would expect, but your body will soon adjust and produce milk in accordance with the baby’s needs. Newborns would drink a small amount frequently at first, so your breast would often feel engorged but releases a small amount of milk. You can try to have more milk by pumping frequently.

How to massage yourself?
Here are 3 massage routines you can perform on yourself to help create more milk flow:

Warm-up massage: This type of massage will warm up your breast and enhance milk flow. Use your knuckle or the palm of your hand to make a circular motion on the top and under your breast and then, switch to the sides. Repeat the process until your breast feels softer. This massage usually takes around 2 – 3 minutes.

Nipple & Areola massage: The dark area of the breast around the nipple is called the areola. This massage will help open up the end of the milk pipe, allowing easier flow. Place 2 or 3 fingers under your nipple and press from the top with your thumb. Make the same circular motion as warm-up massage, starting from vertical to horizontal motion. Massage until your nipple becomes soft, then start the same process on the areola until it feels softer too.

Lactation massage: Create a C shape with your hand, with your thumb over the nipple and the index finger under. Lift the breast up with the 3 other fingers. Pinch and stretch the area around the nipple repeatedly to help clear your milk pipe. You can also apply hot compression before massaging to enhance the effect. This massage will help encourage milk flow.

As long as you keep breastfeeding Your Child regularly, there’s no need to worry about running out of milk. Your body would instinctively know how to make enough. After all, this is one of the biggest jobs it’s designed to do.

Thank you Rattanawadee Yingsamer for the interview. 

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