Young children and public transportation
You probably won’t be able to avoid public transportation in a big city. Here’s what you should do to keep Your Child safe.
- From birth to 2: Use a portable car seat. The car seat should ideally be rear-facing and placed in the center of the backseat, away from any active airbags.
- From 2 to 8: Use a car seat whenever possible. A booster seat is recommended if Your Child is over 18 kilograms.
- From birth to 2 months: If possible, avoid taking Your Child on trains. Newborns have an immature immune system and should get vaccinated before exposure to crowded, enclosed spaces.
- From 2 months to 2: Your Child should be carried in a stroller, portable car seat, or worn in a carrier. Avoid rush hour.
- From 2 to 6: Carry Your Child at all times or teach Your Child to securely hold your hand. If Your Child likes to run off and explore, use a leash armband or backpack with a safety harness and leash.
Public buses
- From birth to 2: Avoid taking Your Child on public buses to protect them from specific bacteria that can make them very ill.
- From 2 onwards: Hold Your Child securely, or use a front pack carrier. If you get a seat, sit down. A leash armband or backpack is recommended if Your Child has trouble staying by you at all times.