
Rolls from back to tummy

Your Child’s muscles have developed enough, and the little one can finally roll from back to tummy, or vice versa. This is a big milestone worth celebrating!

Rolls from back to tummy

Your Child’s muscles have developed enough, and the little one can finally roll from back to tummy, or vice versa. This is a big milestone worth celebrating!

At around 4 – 8 months, Your Child’s muscle strength and coordination have developed enough, owing to all those mini push-ups and tummy time. Your little one can now roll from back to tummy or the other way around. While some babies may skip this step and go straight to sitting, lunging, and crawling right away, this is a big milestone that you should look out for so you can protect the little one from harming themself.

How to support this development
You can place your child on the back and the favorite toy next to them in a position where they need to turn around to get to the toy.

Once the little one can roll over, a new world of danger will open up. Make sure to watch over Your Child even while the little one is on the floor. Pay extra attention to Your Child’s sleep space to make sure that there are no choking hazards lying around, such as blankets or toys.

Note: All children develop differently and at their own pace. For children born preterm, the referred timeframe for achieving the various developmental milestones might be incorrect.

Sources: The information and graphs about when children reach specific milestones are taken from various sources, including the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Denver Developmental Screening Test, and the State Institute of Early Childhood Research, Germany (IFP).


Ketsupa Jirakarn (Mental health specialist) (13 June 2021)

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