Formula feeding: advantages and disadvantages of infant formula
Looking Forward
Formula feeds are made to contain proteins, sugars, fats, and vitamins, in order to provide a nutritious alternative if it’s not possible to breastfeed Your Child.
Convenience and Flexibility: Your partner or anyone can feed Your Child at any time without you having to pump and store breast milk, especially if that isn’t an option. For instance, if you don’t produce enough milk or if your nipples hurt too much. With formula feeding, you don’t need to find a private place to nurse in public. And if you’re going to be away for a few days, there will be no need for much preparation.
Time and frequency of feedings: Formula-fed babies usually eat less often than breastfed babies since formula feeds take longer to digest.
Diet: Formula feeds are very important for a mom who needs to be on medication that might harm the baby. With formula feeding, there’s no need to worry about the things she eats or drinks that could affect the baby.
Lack of antibodies: Formula feeds don’t have the antibodies found in breast milk. As a result, formulas can’t provide Your Child with immunity against infection and illness the way breast milk does. This is why doctors and the World Health Organization (WHO) advocate exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months.
Unable to match the complexity of breast milk: Formulas can’t measure up to the complexity of breast milk in the way it changes with the baby’s needs.
There’s a need for planning and organization: Breast milk is always available and at the right temperature, but formula feeds require planning to ensure that you have all the things you need to prepare it. You must make sure you don’t run out of stock to avoid making late-night trips to the store.
Also, you must ensure that all the necessary supplies (like bottles and nipples) are clean, easily accessible, and ready to use. You will have to feed Your Child 8-10 times in 24 hours, so if you’re not organized, you can easily get overwhelmed.
Formula can be expensive: Baby formula is quite expensive. The most expensive type is ready-to-feed formulas, followed by the concentrated type. The least expensive is the powdered formula. Special formulas, such as soy and hypoallergenic, can cost even more than ready-to-feed formulas.
May cause gassy tummy and constipation: It’s more likely for formula-fed babies to have gassy tummy and constipation than breastfed babies.
May increase the risk of infections: Often formulas need to be mixed with water. So if the water is not 100% free of bacteria or other germs, there is a risk of infection, and in the first 12 months, this can lead to serious complications for the baby.
Dr. Piyawut Kreetapirom, MD. (11 January 2019)