

Baby health


Painkillers can help ease pain and reduce fever. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are the safest and most effective painkillers for children. Never give your child Aspirin.

Painkillers for children
Paracetamol and ibuprofen are the two medications that we can give to children who are experiencing severe forms of pain. Before you give your child any medication, it is very important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and seek advice from a pharmacist or pediatrician.

How to administer medication for young children
For children under age 6, all medication should be in liquid form. If you have only tablets at hand, dissolve them in water. For older children, you can let them swallow a tablet with lots of water.

The recommended dosage varies with the age and weight of the child, as well as the type and strength of the drug. Weigh your child and check the dosage guide to know what to give your child. Always measure doses exactly as prescribed. 

Paracetamol for children
You can give your child paracetamol, to relieve severe pain and reduce fever if they are aged 2 months and above, weigh more than 4 kg, and were born after 37 weeks. Ensure you measure the right dose.

Effect of paracetamol overdose on a child

Ibuprofen for children
You can give Your Child ibuprofen to relieve pain and reduce fever if they are older — aged 3 months and above  — and weigh 5kg or more. Always check the right dose for your child’s age. For older children, don’t give ibuprofen if they have stomach ulcers.

Possible side effects of ibuprofen include:

Don’t give aspirin to children
Do not give aspirin to your child if they are less than 16 years unless it is specifically advised by a doctor. Aspirin has been linked with a dangerous illness known as Reye’s syndrome.

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