
Popular boy names: Thailand

Baby names

Popular boy names: Thailand

Going for a Thai name or an international one that is easy to say for both Thais and foreigners? Giving your little one a name might be challenging — after all, it’s a name for life. To help you out, we’ve provided some popular boy names in Thailand and the things to consider before choosing any of them.

Most popular baby names for boys
If you want to go with the guaranteed name, these lists below can be your answer. On the other hand, you can avoid the overly popular names too.

Top 10 popular boy names in Thailand

  1. Bank
  2. New
  3. Ball
  4. Ton
  5. James
  6. Win
  7. Ice
  8. Mickey
  9. Nine
  10. Lek

Before choosing a name
Here are things to consider before you sign the birth certificate:


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