15 weeks pregnant
Weekly update

Your Child‘s face begins to look like that of a cute baby. As your blood volume increases, you may develop nasal congestion or even nosebleed.
Your Child’s development
Your Child now weighs about 70g and measures about 10cm — the size of a red apple. The little heart is now able to pump about 25 liters of blood per day, and hair patterns are forming on the scalp.
The bones: The little one can now move the knees and elbows, although the skeleton still continues to develop, and not all bones are fully formed yet. As the bones get stronger, their density increases, and they will become visible on an x-ray image this week. But on ultrasound, they can be seen a week later.
The little eyes: Your Child’s eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front of the face. At this point, they are still very sensitive to light and, hence, remain closed for the time being.
The lungs: Your Child continues to inhale the amniotic fluid. As the fluid enters the respiratory tract, it helps the lungs develop air sacs that will be needed to breathe oxygen.
The genitals: For baby girls, ovaries are fully formed and are making their move from the abdomen into the pelvis. Hundreds of thousands of eggs are now beginning to develop within those ovaries. If Your Child is a baby boy, the testes are now fully formed.
Your development
Your blood volume increases, and your system circulates more blood so that you can provide Your Child with all the required nutrients.
New symptoms: As a result of increased blood flow, you may develop new symptoms, such as nasal congestion, bloody nose, red swollen gums, during the next couple of months.
Breathing problem: You may develop several respiratory problems. If you do have seasonal allergies, they may become more serious during pregnancy.
Brighter skin: Some women may develop brighter-looking skin during pregnancy, making them look more beautiful. This results partly from hormonal changes and an increase in blood.
What you can do
By now, you should have gained about # kg, and more are still to come. You can start looking to wear more comfy cloth and continue to monitor your weight to be sure it’s in the healthy range.
To avoid some of the problems with breathing or nasal congestion, you may want to avoid much dust, aerosol, and any sort of passive smoke.
Dr. Wanwadee Sapmee Panyakat (OB-GYN) (20 October 2021)