Rashes and skin problems
Baby health

Children often have to visit their doctor because of skin rashes. While some rashes are itchy and come with fever, others can be mild and just show through small spots.
Here a list of the most prevalent rashes in children.
Slapped cheek syndrome & fever
A blotchy red rash may appear on the cheeks and is accompanied by fever. They do not affect the nose or mouth. Your child may have a cold, and the rash can spread to the body. Normally, it gets cleared in one week, just regularly check for fever. To bring the fever down you may use paracetamol.
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Hand, foot and mouth infection is a prevalent infant disease that causes hand and feet blisters and tongue ulcers. It also creates a fever. Normally, it gets clear in one week.
Scarlet fever rash
Scarlet fever, creates a pink-red rash. It feels like sandpaper and looks like sunburn. It generally begins with the tongue swollen, sore throat, headache and fever. If you suspect scarlet fever in your child, see your doctor immediately. It is handled with antibiotics.
Measles rash
Measles generally begins with fever, sore eyes that are susceptible to light and gray spots inside the eyelids. A few days later, a red-brown rash appears on the head or neck and spreads to the remainder of the body. If you believe your baby has measles, see your doctor.
Heat Rash
Heat and sweat can trigger tiny red spots known as heat rash or prickly heat. It is itchy, so you may notice your child scratching. A heat rash should clear up without treatment.
Itchy, red, dry and cracked skin may be eczema. It’s common behind the knees, elbows, and neck, but it can appear anywhere. Visit your doctor if you think your child has eczema.
A raised, itchy red rash may appear as an allergic reaction to things like stings, medicines or food. It usually clears up within a day or two. Talk to your doctor if your child keeps getting this kind of rash. They might be allergic to something.
An itchy, ring-like rash may be ringworm. Ask your pharmacist for a cream or lotion to treat your child’s ringworm. Talk to your doctor if it appears on your child’s scalp, as it may need to be treated with medicine.
Chickenpox produces blistering red spots. They may be itchy. They end up scabbing and falling off.
Red sores or blisters could be impetigo, bursting and leaving crusty, golden-brown patches. Sores or blisters can be itchy, get larger or spread to other areas of the body. On the face, hands, or around the center of the body.
Scabies are caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for a cream or lotion to treat your child’s scabies.
Small white spots often appear when they are a couple of days old on a baby’s face. Usually within a few weeks they clear up and don’t need treatment.
Erythema toxicum
When born, elevated red, yellow, and white spots may appear on babies. Usually on the face, body, upper arms, thighs. The rash may vanish and reappear. Without treatment, it should clear up in a couple of weeks.
Molluscum contagiosum rash
Small ,firm, raised spots in kids can appear anywhere on the body. Treatment is not recommended because, although it may take more than a year, the spots clear up on their own.
Nappy rash
On the bottom of your baby or around the entire nappy region, nappy rash can be red patches. The skin may be sore, feeling warm. Spots or blisters may exist. It can make your baby feel irritated. To help clear it up, you can buy nappy rash cream from the pharmacy.
Baby acne
May appear within a month of birth, but generally after a few weeks or months it clears up. You can wash the face of your baby with water and a mild moisturizer. Do not use acne medicines for children.
Cradle cap
Cradle cap is when the baby gets yellowish, greasy scalp patches on the scalp. It usually gets better without treatment in a couple of weeks or months. Gently washing your baby’s hair and scalp with baby shampoo can help prevent more patches.
Signs of an emergency
Seek treatment immediately
if your child:
- has a stiff neck
- is very sensitive to light
- seem confused and lost
- is shaking
- have a high fever
- have cold hands and feet
- have a rash that still shows when you press a piece of glass to the skin
All of these above can be signs of meningitis.
When to see a doctor
If you are concerned about your child’s condition, and not sure about the type of rash, go seek medical advice.