Steps for children CPR
First aid

If you happen to be in a situation where your child doesn’t show any sign of life, have someone call for an emergency (1669). Always make sure that the area is safe for you and the child, and then, start performing CPR.
Check for response
You should assume that cardiac arrest is present if the child is unresponsive and not breathing or only gasping. To check for response, gently tap the child and shout the name. If there’s no response, start CPR.
The C-A-B sequences
The three priorities when dealing with an emergency are referred to as C-A-B: Compression-Airway-Breathing, They are the key steps in the CPR.
Give chest compression to generate blood flow and increase the chance of Return Of Spontaneous Circulation. To do that, place the heel of one or two hands in the middle of the chest and push down by 5cm (about 2 inches), which is approximately one-third of the chest’s total diameter.
Open the airway using a head tilt-chin lift maneuver. To do that, place one hand on your child’s forehead and gently tilt the head back, lifting the tip of the chin using two fingers. This moves the tongue away from the back of the throat.
Give breaths to a child using a mouth-to-mouth technique. To do that, place your mouth over the mouth of the child, pinch the nose closed. and blow steadily and firmly. Make sure the breaths are effective (ie, the chest rises). Each breath should take about 1 second.
Compression-Only CPR
If you or the rescuer are unable to deliver rescue breaths, you should provide only chest compressions.
CPR steps for children above one year old:
- Place your child on the back on a firm, flat surface.
- Place the heel of one hand on the center of their chest and push down by 5cm (about two inches), which is approximately one-third of the chest total diameter. The depth of chest compressions is important. Use two hands to achieve the 5cm if you have problems with just one hand. Count out loud: “One and two and three and four…,” pushing down as you say the number and coming up as you say “and.”
- After 30 chest compressions at a rate of 2 per second, give two rescue breaths.
- Open the child’s airway by placing one hand on their forehead and gently tilting the head back and lifting the chin. Remove any visible obstructions from the mouth and nose
- Pinch their nose and seal your mouth over their mouth and blow steadily and firmly into their mouth, checking that their chest rises. Give two initial rescue breaths. Each breath should take about 1 second.
- Continue the cycle of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until your child begins to recover or emergency help arrives.
What if the chest doesn’t rise?
If your child’s chest doesn’t rise, the airway could be blocked. If that’s the case, open the child’s mouth and look for objects to remove. Continue to check the mouth after each set of compressions until the chest rises as you breathe in.
What if the child is bleeding?
Make sure your child is not bleeding severely’ if that’s the case, take first measures to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the area.
What exactly is CPR?
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is a lifesaving measure you can take to save a child who shows no signs of life. CPR uses chest compressions and rescue breaths to make oxygen-rich blood circulate through the brain and other organs until the child revives or medical help arrives.
Dr. Piyawut Kreetapirom, MD. (2 February 2020)