Set the right foundation and allow your baby to become successful
Early Childhood Development
We know you love little Your Child, but beware how you express that love. If you let Your Child play too much with your phone or pamper the little one with too many sweet snacks, Your Child can end up with health problems later in life.
Set the right foundation
We create many of our habits in our first years of life, and many of those habits are later difficult to change: eating is one. According to a study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, excess weight gained during childhood can put children on a trajectory that is difficult to change. For example, 3 out of 4 two-year-olds with obesity will still have obesity at age 35. Setting the right habits in the very first years of life is critical for Your Child’s future.
Reduction of screen time
When children use a mobile phone or watch a video, all they train are their fingers and eye muscles. In other words, every time they play on the phone, they don’t train most of the other 650 muscles in their body. They move less, and they miss the opportunity to run around, use their body, and play freely. All these activities set the foundation for an active lifestyle for life.
Free play
Good motor skills and effective movement in the early years of development are critical to an active lifestyle later. Kids who learn to walk, run, catch, throw, and balance when they are young, will have fun participating in sports, dance, or other movement activities later at school. Kids who don’t learn to use their bodies don’t participate, have less fun, and become less confident.
A healthy start
Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend breastfeeding as the sole source of nutrition for your baby for about 6 months. After 6 months, you can begin supplementing with some solid foods, such as bananas, carrots, apples, or avocados. Continue breastfeeding until at least 12 months or longer. Some moms supplement their kids’ diet with their own milk until the milk teeth fall off (hence the name). Sugar, salt, and seasoning need to be avoided.
Set a good foundation for taste
As your child relies more and more on solid food, you can follow the same principles of good nutrition used by adults: lots of green leaves, vegetables, fresh fruits, seeds, nuts, beans, fish, and poultry. In addition, you should use no red meat, less salt, and no sugar. Also strictly avoid processed food, potato chips, soft drinks, and fruit juices, which often contain a lot of bad salt and harmful sugar.
Why this matters
In about 30 to 40 years’ time, Your Child will understand that his taste was created in the first years of life. Then, Your Child will be thankful and appreciate your gift of good taste and a healthy diet.