
Be careful: Chemicals!


Be careful: Chemicals!

There are many chemicals in the air, in our homes, and in beauty salons that can hurt your or Your Child’s health during pregnancy. Please, be careful. 

Dangerous beauty products
Many chemicals used in nail salons are dangerous. They let off fumes that can be toxic, and you should avoid them now. If you must go to nail salons, make sure there are open windows in the salon for fresh air or they don’t use any of these toxins. Also do not use artificial fingernails while you’re pregnant. Acrylic nails give off fumes as they are being applied and these fumes can be toxic.

Cat litter
Cat poop contains the parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis, an infection that can cause birth defects. So keeping cats during pregnancy is risky. The litter can become infectious. 

Pesticides on fruits
Pesticides are chemicals farmers use to kill bugs. There will always be remnants of fruits and vegetables unless you go strictly for organic options. If not, make sure you wash all fruits and vegetables under running water before eating them. There is no need to use baking soda or other cleaners.

Lead on walls
Lead can be highly damaging to the nervous system of little Your Child and has been linked to lower IQ among children who were exposed to it during their early childhood. Lead in paint is now illegal in most states, but it may be present in the old paint on your wall. If you are not sure about lead on your walls, you should paint the rooms you spend most of your time in now and later once your baby is here. If you repaint your house, use lead-free water-based color.

Lead in old water pipes
Lead can also be in the water pipes present in older homes. If your house has old pipes, avoid drinking tap water until you have had the water quality tested by a lab. Alternatively, you can install a reverse osmosis water filter. If you later use babies’ formula to feed your baby never use tap water unless you are sure it is safe. 

Cleaning products
Any cleaning product labeled “toxic” or any products with a warning on the label should be handled with care. Too much exposure to chemicals in such products can damage Your Child’s developing brain.

Work environments
If you are working in a nail salon or another environment where you are exposed to chemicals, talk to your doctor to know if your workplace is safe for your pregnancy.

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