
Says sentences with 2 words

Little Shakespeare is now able to put together a phrase with 2 words.

Says sentences with 2 words

Little Shakespeare is now able to put together a phrase with 2 words.

Children’s language development starts to pick up when they turn two; they begin to make phrases containing 2 words, such as ‘big dog’ or ‘more milk’. At this stage, parents may also notice an increase in self-reference — ‘my toy’ or ‘I’m hungry”.

On average, children at this age know the meaning of about 150-300 words, although they may not be able to say all of them. 

How to support this development
If your child is not yet talking at all, don’t worry; many kids are late talkers. Just keep speaking and reading to Your Child and also asking questions about the story you’re reading. As you do so, try to maintain eye contact and speak clearly, almost as if you’re narrating something to the child. If your child seems to be interested in one specific thing,  whether it is a dog or a truck, keep talking to Your Child about that thing. If Your Child is already talking, talk back to them, but make the conversation simple.

Note: All children develop differently and at their own pace. For children born preterm, the referred timeframe for achieving the various developmental milestones might be incorrect.

Source: The information and graphs about when children reach specific milestones are taken from various sources, including the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Denver Developmental Screening Test, and the State Institute of Early Childhood Research, Germany (IFP).


Ketsupa Jirakarn (Mental health specialist) (10 June 2021)

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