Do you really need to keep your baby’s stem cells?
THAI StemLife informs

Stem cells are the body’s raw materials from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Because they are so powerful, they can be used in medical emergencies and regenerative medicine to treat several diseases.
What makes cord blood stem cells so special?
Human stem cells can come from any living cell. However, as stem cells age and specialize, their ability to change and turn into other cells diminishes. This is why cells from a baby are more potent than stem cells collected from an adult. The most potent stem cells are called omnipotent cells, and they are derived from fertilized eggs from in vitro fertilization. But the problem is that to take them, you end up destroying the embryo. The second most potent stem cells are called pluripotent and can come from an embryo or cord blood. They can divide into more stem cells, becoming any type of cell in the body. Since taking cord blood stem cells doesn’t harm the baby, this method has become more popular.
Why do parents save their children’s cord blood?
Deciding to save cord blood is a personal choice. Some parents do it because the cells in cord blood are a perfect match for that baby and could be used to treat him or her for any serious health condition, like an immune system disorder or a problem with metabolism. Moreover, the stored stem cells are kept exclusively for Your Child and family members.
Can you receive treatment without keeping stem cells?
Another option for parents is to use a donor’s stem cells from a public bank. However, since donor stem cells have to match the recipient, they are very hard to find. And if there is no good match, the receiver’s immune system might think the stem cells are foreign invaders that want to attack the body, so it attacks them. If that happens, the stem cells might fail to function, grow irregularly, or spontaneously specialize into different cell types.
Can anyone else use your baby’s stem cells?
The stem cells collected can potentially be used to treat a genetic disease of a biological “match”, such as a sibling or family member.
How long can you bank stem cells?
According to the National Library of Medicine, collected stem cells can be stored for 21-23.5 years without a major loss in quality.
Have stem cells already been used to treat actual diseases?
For over 30 years, stem cell transplantations have been used to treat people with diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma. Relatively recently, stem cells are being used to treat many other conditions, such as Fanconi’s Anemia, vision restoration, severe spinal cord injury, and HIV.
Since 2005, cord blood stem cells are also being stored and used in Thailand. THAI StemLife, the first and largest stem cell bank in Thailand, is at the forefront of this development and has helped save and improve the lives of many children born with Thalassemia, Cerebral Edema, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, and other diseases.
In addition, further studies are being conducted to apply stem cell therapy to immune cell therapy, heart and lung diseases, and many others.
Saving Your Child’s stem cells privately
Storing cord blood in a private bank means that the cord blood will be available only to your family — with THAI StemLife, 24/7. This type of storage often requires an initial fee, storage fees, and a fee when the stem cells are to be collected for use.
What makes THAI StemLife Mali’s trusted partner?
When storing at a private bank, it’s important to choose a facility that is trustworthy and well-funded so that it won’t be out of business when you will need the stem cells. THAI StemLife is Thailand’s first and largest stem cell bank and the only one with real-life-saving cases. They are the only provider in Thailand that operates 24/7 for traumatic brain injury emergencies.