Get help for mental health
Mental health

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, seek help from support groups or professional organizations.
Mental health problems can be overcome. The first step toward a healthier mind is admitting that you or someone else needs help. The second step is to connect with support groups or look for professional help.
Global online resources
Here are some global sources that are available in English:
- Paid online therapy, available in English from Better Help
- Paid online counseling, specialized in relationship issues, available in English from Regain
- Paid online counseling, specialized in cognitive behavioral therapy, available in English from
- Free online support groups, available in English from Support Groups Central
- Free online support groups, available in English from PSI
- Free Online Mental Health Support Groups, available in English from Painted Brain
- Free support groups with Thai-speaking moms at Mali mental health club
Counseling in Thailand
If you are based in Bangkok, here are some professional counseling available to you:
- Bangkok-based English and Thai counseling by Lighthouse Human Services
- Chiang Mai and Bangkok-based counseling and therapy, available in English, Thai, Mandarin, Malay, and Indonesian via Counselling Thailand
- Bangkok-based English and Thai counseling and psychotherapy by Bangkok Counseling Service
- Bangkok-based Thai counseling and workshops with Knowing Mind
- Bangkok-based Thai counseling and psychotherapy by doctors from Chulalongkorn Hospital at Body & Mind Clinic
- Counseling and psychotherapy via phone call, available in Thai from iStrong Mental Health
- Counseling and psychotherapy via video call, available in Thai from OOCA
- Free listener service, available in Thai via phone call — offered by volunteers from Samaritans Thailand – 027136793
Call centers in Thailand
Here are hotlines you can call for advice, brief counseling, and in cases of emergencies:
- National mental health hotline: 1323
- Mental health hotline in Chiang Mai: 053-280-556
- Mental health hotline in Phitsanulok: 055-906-361, 08-2223-4457
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 2 พิษณุโลก - Mental health hotline in Nakhon Sawan: 0-5626-7289
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 3 นครสวรรค์ - Mental health hotline in Pathum Thani: 02-147-0902
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 4 ปทุมธานี - Mental health hotline in Ratchaburi: 032-206-524
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 5 ราชบุรี - Mental health hotline in Chonburi: 038-199-656-8
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 6 ชลบุรี - Mental health hotline in Khon Kaen: 043-424-739
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 7 ขอนแก่น - Mental health hotline in Udon Thani: 042-111-412
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 8 อุดรธานี - Mental health hotline in Nakhon Ratchasima: 044-256-729
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 9 นครราชสีมา - Mental health hotline in Ubon Ratchathani: 045-352-500
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 10 อุบลราชธานี - Mental health hotline in Surat Thani: 077-380-461–3
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 11 จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี - Mental health hotline in Pattani: 073-337-462
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 12 ปัตตานี - Mental health hotline in Bangkok: 02-236-9445, 02-236-9446 Mon – Fri 8.30 – 16.30 น.
Facebook: ศูนย์สุขภาพจิตที่ 13 กรุงเทพ
Thailand’s ministry of health regulates and supervises many mental institutes and hospitals. Find one close to you here
If you feel you may be suffering from mental health problems, know that it is not your fault, and you are not to blame.
Inform your partner, try to find support groups of people who go through the same, and seek professional help before it affects your and your child’s health. With help, you can prevent a worsening of the symptoms and can recover fully.
Thank you note
This article about mental health resources was made in collaboration and with the support of the Pranaiya & Arthur Magoffin Foundation — Better Well-Being for Parent & Baby.
Ketsupa Jirakarn (Mental health specialist) (1 August 2022)